Sam Land Ventures: USA's Top Land Buyers

Earn upto $800 per vacant lot referred

No limit to your earning potential!

Do you have friends, family, or colleagues who may consider selling their vacant land?

If yes, refer them to us, and upon every successful completion of their sale, we will be happy to give you $500 on your very first referral.

Referral Slabs

First 5 : Pro 🏆

1 - 5 referrals of vacant parcels referred and purchased by us 

$500 each

6 - 10 : Expert 🎖️

6 - 10 referrals of vacant parcels referred and purchased by us 

$600 each

11 - 15 : Master 🏵️

11 - 15 referrals of vacant parcels referred and purchased by us 

$700 each

16 + : Visionary 🌟

16 + referrals of vacant parcels referred and purchased by us

$800 each


"Spoke with Sam Land guys, they gave us the price we wanted."

Taylor L.

2 Acres in Spartanburg, SC

We were tired of the taxes and HOA fees, but you turned this dirt into regular income

Sunil G.

10,000 SF in Citrus Springs, FL

"Took care of my foreclosure, dealt with the county and court on my behalf."

Jeff H.

4 Acres in Carthage, NC

"Always thought this land was a dead investment, am glad it got sold"

Patrick A.

1 Acre in Bellingham, WA

"I had neither the will nor probate. Thankfully your team and lawyer showed the way."

Brycen K.

2.6 Acres in Huntsville, TX

What Lands Do We Love?

Vacant Land

Across the USA

Accessible via Road

From Residential Lots as small as 5,000 Sq Ft...

... To Large Acreages with 10's & 100's & 1000's of Acres

Minimal Wetland & Floodplain

Refer Now!

To make it quick, just fill out this form with your own and your referral's details.


  • We only accept referrals of vacant land of any size, that has road access and is free of floodplains and wetlands preferably. We accept referrals from all states of USA.
  • The referral levels and amounts are determined by the number of properties referred or their value.
  • If a referee owns multiple properties, we may group them and count them as fewer referral units, based on their purchase price and size to make the transaction viable. It will be decided on a case-to-case basis, with mutual agreement.
  • We reserve the right to reject any property not meeting our purchase criteria. We are not obligated to buy every referred property.
  • We may assign the purchase to any of our affiliated companies.
  • We may change this policy at any time without notice.